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Organised by the 118ͼ¿â Executive Committee
2nd June |
Monday, Day 1 |
1200 |
Registration and refreshments |
1300 1305 |
Welcome Address –Adrian Harris (University of Oxford) PPI Speaker: Elspeth Banks, (Independent Cancer Patients' Voice) |
1315 |
Opening Keynote: Steve Jackson (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute) Cellular responses to DNA damage: mechanistic insights and therapeutic implications |
Session 1: Genes, Mutation and Repair
1400 |
Jo Morris (University of Birmingham) TBC |
1430 |
Helen Bryant (University of Sheffield) DNA repair inhibitors - beyond PARP and BRCAness |
1530 |
Short talk
Short talk
1600 |
Kristian Helin, (ICR, London) New Therapeutic targets for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia |
1630 |
Susan Gasser, (ISREC, Lausanne, Switzerland) Roles of chromatin and nucleosome remodelers in genome stability |
1930 |
118ͼ¿â AstraZeneca Young Scientist Award 2023 Luca Magnani, (ICR, London) Sleepwalking through evolution: a tale of dormancy and hormone dependent breast cancer Welcome drinks and finger buffet
Poster Session 1 (Odd Numbers)
Speakers’ Dinner |
3rd June |
Tuesday, Day 2 Session 2: The Tumour Ecosystem
0900 |
Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke (Barts Cancer Institute, QMUL) Tumour blood vessels and b3-integrin: Converging stories |
0930 |
Leanne Li (Francis Crick Institute, London) Behind the scenes: Neuronal orchestration of the tumour microenvironment |
1000 |
Short talk
1015 |
Short Talk
1030 |
1100 |
Derek Mann (University of Newcastle) Manipulating neutrophils to repgroamme the tumour microenvironment of hepatocellular carcinoma |
1200 |
Erik Sahai (Francis Crick Institute, London) Modelling the tumour - stroma interface 118ͼ¿â Chris Marshall Prize for Cell Signalling TBC Yaiza Jung Garcia (Lothian University, Edinburgh) LAP1 supports nuclear adaptability during constrained melanoma cell migration and invasion |
1215 |
Lunch Posters and Exhibition (12.40 to 13.00 Commercial Workshop)
Session 3: Immune cells and immunotherapy
Mark Cragg (University of Southampton) Engineering antibodies for immune stimulation |
1430 |
Santiago Zeleny (Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute) The dual role of inflammation in cancer immunity |
1500 |
Short Talk
1515 |
Short talk
1530 |
1600 |
Eileen Parkes (University of Oxford) Chromosomal instability shapes the tumour microenvironment |
1630 |
Ed Roberts (Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute, Glasgow) Failure to recruit lymph node resident cDC1 results in poorly functional anti-tumour CD8 T cell responses |
1900 |
Drinks Reception Poster Session 2 (Even Numbers)
Conference Dinner (Venue to be confirmed)
4thJune |
Wednesday, Day 3 Session 4: Models, Screening, Profiling and Imaging
0900 |
Mathew Garnett (Sanger Institute, Cambridge) Mapping Cncer Dependencies to Guide Precision Cancer Medicine |
0930 |
Philip Dunne (Queens University, Belfast) The molecular and phenotypic landscapes in colorectal cancer |
1000 |
Short Talk (Cardiff University)
Short Talk
1030 |
Tea/Coffee |
1130 |
Eugenia Piddini (University of Bristol) p53-mediated stem cell competition: Insights into mechanisms of clonal dominance Noor Gammoh (University of Edinburgh) Modelling the role of autophagy in brain tumour development
118ͼ¿â/AstraZeneca Frank Rose Award (2022) Stephen Sammut (ICR) Stephen-John Sammut, (ICR, London) Ending uncertainty: predicting response to breast cancer treatment using tumour profiling and AI.
Session 5: Novel Therapeutic Strategies and Early Detection
Pascal Meier (ICR, London) The Power of Death: Harnessing Immunogenic Cell Death in Cancer Louise Fets (MRC/Imperial College London) Heterogeneous drug accumulation in cancer - why concentration matters |
1430 |
Short Talk
Short Talk |
1545 |
Alan Parker (Cardiff University) Development of precision virotherapies for "in-tumour" expression of theapeutics Closing Keynote: Rene Bernards (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam) Behave or die, a novel approach to cancer therapy |
1630 |
Awards Ceremony and Closing Remarks |
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118ͼ¿â is a registered charity in England and Wales (289297)
Registered address:
c/o Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James’s, Cancer Genetics Building,
St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds LS9 7TF
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